get to know me

'Get To Know Me' Tag


I found this tag whilst I was trying to think of the best way to introduce myself on this blog on my first post. I wanted to give you guys a bit more information about the writer, but without forcing you to endure a lengthy post explaining the ins and outs of my life. So, when I stumbled upon this little gem, I thought I might as well give it a go. Plus, after being out of the blogging game for a while, what's the best way of getting back into it? Doing a tag.

  1. Are you named after anyone?
    Yes, I am named after my Mum's Great Aunt Jess. My middle name is, also, Jo, which is actually my Mum's first name. 
  2. When was the last time you cried?
    Already jumping into the fun questions. Probably a couple of weeks ago? I think.
  3. Do you have kids?
  4. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
    I'd like to think so, but I'd probably be too awkward to initiate a friendship.
  5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
    Nooo. Never.
  6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
    I barely trust myself to jump down three stairs and not hurt myself, let alone off a bridge or a building.
  7. What's your favourite cereal?
    I'm actually not much of a cereal fan. I'd probably have to say Cinnamon Grahams, though, but without the milk. I can't stand it when they go soggy.
  8. What's the first thing you notice about people?
    Depends. If it's a visual thing, then generally their face, I guess. I don't really notice the small details in the first instance, because I'm just not that observant. If it's a personality thing, probably their attitude towards me. I can be pretty stand-off-ish, though this isn't always on purpose. If you act a certain way around me, my brain tries as hard as it can to just shut the conversation down.
  9. What is your eye colour?
    Depends on the lighting. My Mum is adamant that my eye colour is blue, but I'd say they're more of a green/grey tone.
  10. Scary movie or happy endings?
    I love scary films, though they seem to be less atmospheric these days and more about the shock factor and jumpscares. But I still like sitting down to a good horror film or a horror game playthrough.
  11. Favourite smells?
    My boyfriend's Creed Virgin Island Water cologne.
  12. Summer or Winter?
    Winter, because you can always layer up but, in Summer, there's only a certain degree you can strip down before it's classed as 'undignified'.
  13. Computer or television?
    I don't own a tv. We have one in the house, which is my Nan's, but I never really watch it. Computer is where it's at!
  14. What's the furthest you've ever been away from home?
    Probably when I went on holiday to Boston with my family.
  15. Do you have any special talents?
    I can spend an entire day playing computer games and still feel like I've been productive. Does that count?
  16. Where were you born?
    South England. 
  17. What are your hobbies?
    Playing computer games, watching Youtube videos, cooking, finding new beauty tutorials and struggling to recreate them.. I live a very fulfilling life.
  18. Do you have any pets?
    No, but I really want to get a Corgi. I'm hoping that if I mention them enough, I might be allowed to get one. But I don't see that happening in the near future. 
  19. Favourite movie?
    I don't really have a favourite film. Collectively, I've probably watched the Lord of the Rings films most but, even then, I wouldn't call them favourites. I'll have to have a think about that one.
  20. Do you have any siblings?
    Yes, three younger sisters. 
  21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Happy, healthy, in a job that I enjoy, with a family around me that I can look after and who can look after me. 
Well, that's everything from me! I found this tag here on a very old post, and just thought I would give it a try. Hope you enjoyed!

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